As the mental list still grows and November comes to an end, there's one item on the list that the Lord seems to be putting in bold and underlining.
Which then brings to mind this verse...
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
So here are some of my "irons"...
This is Mary. Mary Carlisle that is. I can't really tell you when or how we met(when you live on a small college campus, introductions are sometimes left out. Its the beauty of living life with 500+ other people). But I would say our friendship was fortified as she watched me walk through a hard time in my life, and encouraged me all along the way. Mary is the writer and artist of my friends. She has talent in both areas that can only be attributed to the God we serve. She lives in Nashville and works for Lifeway. Around the holidays, you can probably find us at a Starbucks or Cracker Barrel having coffee as we both travel to our hometowns. Mary is my cheerleader and, thankfully, a skype call away.
Meet Laura Ashley. LA, her husband Lee, and their precious daughter Holland Grace currently live in Raleigh, North Carolina, attending seminary. They will finish soon there and in the next year head overseas as church planters and missionaries.
Laura Ashley and I weren't super close through the beginning of our college years, but it all kinda changed when we went on a Youth Hostel Mission trip the summer before our final semester of college. LA was my only female friend and confidant (the guys on our team were OK, ;) ) for 32 days as we traveled through Europe learning what living out the gospel really looked like. Her patience with me during those days still amazes me. Watching her become a wife and mommy has been a blessing, even if its been from afar!
When I first moved to Albany I wrote about my A-team: Ashleigh, Jaye, and Megan. While emails and calls are few and far between these girls are some of my most faithful prayer warriors. A week hardly goes by where I don't thank the Lord for one of them, or our time together as accountability partners. Ashleigh and Megan continue to hold down the fort at UM, while Jaye is working away at seminary in North Carolina. We'll be reunited for the first time since I moved this December! We're heading to New York City for New Years Eve!!

Haley is a teacher and the BEST bargain shopper I know. Her and her fiance, Jason, keep me laughing and help me lighten up. I'm so thankful the Lord saw fit to have Haley and I crash into each other's lives. Her encouragement in my life is one I try not to take for granted, and look forward to having around as long as I'm in Albany (which she says is forever). Only the Lord knows, Haley!

Thanks for sticking it out and reading this long post. I promise it would be much longer if I mentioned Codi, Amanda, Mary Grace, Kayla... I'm telling you, the list goes on. Man, I am one blessed girl.
Thank you Lord for these women whom you allow me to call friends. It is by Your grace they are in my life!
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
Love you Kristin! Made me smile so much this morning! Miss you!