
Friday, January 17, 2014


I like to remember dates. I like trying to remember what happened on exact days one, two, or five years ago. Doing so reminds me of how timely the Lord really is, and how He redeems time spent. 

While more of the world reflects back in December,  January has served as a month of reflection for me in a lot of ways. This month has come to hold a lot of mile markers: my birthday, anniversary at Sherwood, and moving to Albany to name a few. 

This year looking back has a few more milestones to it. It was in January of last year where I surrendered to the Lord my fear, I let Adam into my life, and finally, he and I became a "we". Its been fun as these specific dates have gone by to share with each other the apprehensive thoughts we had, and now laugh at how we are discussing registries and guest lists. Or like how today I met with my wedding hairstylist and florist, and a year ago today I was getting ready for our first date. Add on the fact that in 99 days we will get married!

Yep, I like dates.  The counting up and the remembering. The seeing how the Lord works all things together for my good and His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Save your dates friends. Let the Lord bring to remembrance hard and good times. He was there for all of them.