
Friday, December 30, 2011

Time flies...

Is it really the end of December? I remember thinking at the being of November, “O good, a couple of slow months to catch up and get ahead.” And while things might have been a little slower in the office, my life didn’t necessarily slow down. But, like my family reminds me, I like being busy.

    November was full of traveling with my first real vacation and Thanksgiving holiday. I visited Jaye in North Carolina and got to see what life as a seminary student is like. I also realized that 5-7 days a year of resting and relaxing is a must. I honestly didn’t realize how rejuvenating it would be. A trip to NC might be a November have-to for the next few years!

    December has been full of parties, gatherings, programs, and a trip home for Christmas. I love the Christmas season, and when I say I love it, I mean I LOVE it! The decorations, the music, the presents, the food... everything! This Christmas had its special moments for me: Putting up my first tree, full of ornaments since my childhood. Participating in the Christmas program at Sherwood. Catching up with old friends in Athens. The extra time spent talking with Samuel, and playing with Josiah. Standing as a family while my dad prayed and passed out the Lord’s Supper on Christmas Eve. Such a sweet time of year to do fun things and remember why we celebrate in the first place: Our Savior CAME!

    As the days of 2011 dwindle down, I’ve been tying up lose ends and working on projects in the office. One of which was to hang this,

Now you might remember we did that whole, revamped VBS back in the summer. One of the afternoon track times was an art track for older kids. They learned about different kinds of art from our very own College and Career pastor, Brian Kelley. Towards the end of the week, they were given a canvas to paint with black lines on it. Little did they know what would be the outcome. Seeing the finished product made me PUMPED for this upcoming summer!!

As I hung the canvases and made them fit together, I was able to stop and read the verses the kids added. Its so cool to see what verses stick out in the mind of a child. Whether its one they recently learned or have memorized and held onto for a long time. I found one that I’m pretty sure an adult got a hold of. It 2 Thessalonians 5:24 written on it,

“The One who calls you is faithful; and He will surely bring it to pass.”

If there was one verse that summed up 2011 for me, it would be this one. 2011 has been a year that the Lord has reminded me of how faithful He is. He has brought so much to pass, its hard to believe I ever doubt His purpose or timing. Also realizing even when it seems like He's not bringing anything to "pass" He is STILL faithful.  His word is quick to settle an anxious heart, by reminding that our God has all things under control. 

It brings me to tears to think of how good and sweet My Savior has been to me this year. Looking forward to watching Him continue to bring things to pass and to be a small part of His mind blowing plan!

Happy New Year!