I mentioned in my last post that we started a new programing on Sunday nights for Kid's Rock. Because we won't be having Sunday night service on Easter Sunday, we scheduled to bump our Palm Sunday and Easter themed scripts up a week. So this past Sunday night was Easter in Kid's Rock.
For several weeks, I had been working with our hosts and my friend Marie, our storyteller, for that night. The script called for Marie to share the gospel while creating a visual demonstration using a white cloth, iodine, and a film developer/water, clear solution. She was to spray iodine (representing sin) on the cloth, place it in the solution (representing Christ), and the cloth was to come out clean, just like Christ cleanses us from our sin. Marie was then to spray the cloth with iodine a second time, which would not hold on the cloth, representing that forgiveness of sin is not something that Christ takes away from us.
So that was the way it was suppose to play out. Around 4 pm on Sunday, Marie and I take the film developer and bucket into the bathroom to create the solution. Plus, a trial run was needed before Kid's Rock started at 6:20. Open up the packet, pour into the bucket full of water... and the water turns BROWN. Brown, like the color of mud, brown. I looked at Marie, who says, "I reference clear water. As in, Jesus is represented as the CLEAR water." Immediately panic invaded and a countdown started in my head of how much time we had to figure something out. After some phone calls and brain storming, David took off to WalMart to buy OxyClean. I texted several close friends asking for prayer, and we gathered the students and adults who were to help us that night to pray. The entire biblical/gospel illustration was on the line and I could hear the Enemy laughing at me.
David returned, and, praise the LORD, OxyClean worked. Marie worked with it, and did a beautiful job of explaining how Christ takes away our sin to the children. David, got up after her, and proceeded to share scripture from Romans and the full gospel. As he gave an invitation, 17 children responded!! Satan has no foothold when God is working. Aren't you thankful that as children of the King, we can approach the Throne, and that the Enemy has already lost the battle?!
Wait, it gets better! I received an email Monday morning from a staff member. Her daughter went home and talked about Jesus dieing on the cross with her parents. She prayed, accepting Christ as her personal Lord and Savior that night! To top it all off, her dad was discussing baptism with her and said, "Now you know, that means you have to put your head all the way under." (Evidently, she is terrified of going under water). Her response: "I know Dad, but God will be with me."
"But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, 'Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God lie a child shall not enter it.'" Mark 10:14-15
Oh, to have faith like a child.
Praying for you this Easter weekend. That you are reminded of the power of prayer, childlike faith, and that our SAVIOR is RISEN!!