
Monday, June 20, 2011

KidzBlast VBS

Growing up in church, Vacation Bible School is something I've always known about or been a part of. When I first came to Sherwood to interview, David mentioned that he had a idea for different way of doing VBS. The idea was this: to hold VBS at our upper campus/sports park, 8 am- 5 pm, with activities in the afternoons which would include anything from choir to art to fishing to field games. David's heart was to reach children who didn't just filter through all of the local church's VBS, but to reach out to those families who needed the all day child care and financial break, and those who would never be able to afford a real camp experience.

When David told me that idea, and how the pastor was behind, I thought, "Wow, sounds like a great idea! Good luck with that!". That was back when I still was figuring out if I was really picking up myself and moving to Albany, Georgia. But shortly after my move, began the planning for one of the biggest (and brand new) events for the children's ministry this summer.

"VBS KidzBlast" kicked off June 6th, and we were as ready as we could be, not really sure how it was all going to play out. But o how the Lord is faithful. We had over 400 children at Legacy Park each day, all participating in small groups, recreation, corporate worship, and a variety of activities in the afternoon. Here were some of the highlights for me...
 -Being prayed over by a group of preschoolers. Almost cried.
-On Wednesday, the gospel was presented, and 31 children came to Christ!! What a sweet moment it was! I got the chance to talk to two little girls and pray with them as they made decisions to follow Jesus with their lives.
-Got the opportunity to get to know some moms and dads of the regular Sherwood kids better.
-Seeing so many different people from the wonderful Sherwood Church family serve!! We had a GREAT crew of volunteers! From check-in and check-out teams, morning adminstration, preschool, rec, lunch crew, small group leaders, afternoon and track leaders. Couldn't have done without them!
-Hearing children singing/screaming "WE WON'T BE QUIET!" at worship, talking about Jesus!
-Driving a golf cart, and having a radio (Yes, it was a highlight. Just being honest folks).

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the week...

Morning stretch

Pastor David talking through the morning.

Small group time


Worship was led by several high school students. They did a great job!

Fishing track time at the pond

Intern James leading the "Special Ops" track time. With sunglasses on, they were "invisible", and went around doing special projects for people!    

 Two great preschoolers and staff kids. Asher Flynt and Kerianne Joiner!


To the left, Mr. Jay doing "special ops" with preschoolers. Precious children who prayed over me here! To the right, counseling kids who came forward to make decisions for Christ!

Its been a week since we packed up all the boxes and put away our orange t-shirts (all volunteers wore one...every day). I'm still processing and sitting in awe of all God did that week. One thing is for sure, I'm so thankful to be a part of a team that is not afraid to break away from the normal to better reach the community for Christ.